In Fajardo
Great resources for planning trips:
Puerto Rican Day Trips
Things to do that we’ve enjoyed
SS Tobias Snorkel Cruise Video below
Nearby restaurants we love:
Las Vistas Cafe – The best place to start your trip. Make your reservations before you arrive.
La Estacion
El Timon Panaderia, Reposteria & Deli – Just before the Ceiba Shopping Center (where you turn into Monte Sol) on the right is this great sandwich and breakfast place with pastries and a deli section. A great local alternative to the BK and KFC in the shopping center. Try the Cuban!
Upon arrival, your best first stop is the Pueblo next to the airport-see the map for directions. It is a 24/7 supermarket with a bilingual staff and a stateside inventory. Stock up on things like eggs, milk, etc., for the first day and look around a bit. There are things here not found in the local chains. We prefer to do most of our grocery shopping at Ralphs since it is large and bright with a good variety of items and very much like a stateside grocery store. Amigo is convenient if you don’t want to drive the 5 minutes to Ralphs. We usually visit Econo once to pick up anything the other 2 might not have. Econo is very Puerto Rican-centric. Beer, wine and alcohol are sold in all of the grocery stores. You can also find some groceries/milk and alcohol in the Walgreens. There is a 24/7 Walgreens on 3 in Fajardo.
Medical Services:
While we all want to have a safe and uneventful stay whenever we leave our home, should the need arise there is a very good hospital in Fajardo that is easy to get to. The quickest way there is to get on Rt. 3 and go to El Conquistador Blvd in Fajardo (right turn only). Go to the bottom of the hill, turn right at the Monte Brisas Shopping Center light onto Ave. Valero (194) and the hospital will be on your right. Here’s their website:
Google map with points of interest and notes about them:
Green is Monte Sol and Casa Anolis
Red is directions to airport/car rentals/transportation
Yellow is Food (groceries/restaurants/sundries)
Light Blue is beaches and points of interest.
Orange is Big Box Stores, Walmart/Sams/Cosco
Purple is mall shopping
Brown is for Hospital/medical services
Please feel free to update with your own adventures by clicking on [View larger map] and then Edit. Add a pin, a description and website, if available.
Video’s we’ve shot of some of our favorite places:
A great beach 5 minutes away that’s very quiet on weekdays
Great beach to bring nothing but cash. Great views, water and food!
Vega Baja, snorkeling
Vega Baja, big waves
Vega Baja, More big waves
Vega Baja, still more big waves
Vega Baja Panorama. Click once to load. Double click after loading to go full screen.
One of the many beautiful lakes on the island
Our Nov 2015 trip with SS Tobias Snorkeling
Our Nov 2015 trip with SS Tobias at Flamenco